This week, for your listening pleasure, I’m giving you a downloadable interview I did for The Copy Closer Podcast.
It starts off with the classic line from Glengarry Glen Ross, though the delivery of that line is laughable…
But if you’ll forgive that, there’s a treasure trove of golden nuggets for filling your copywriting dance card with juicy money-making activities.
And don’t let that fool you, either…
What I reveal applies just as well to any kind of business where your expertise is traded for money.
>>> How to quickly break into the ‘insider’s circle’ in your niche when nobody knows your name…
>>> Why salesmanship and copy are tied at the hip…
>>> How to borrow rock-star credibility and rock solid authority and use it as your own when you’re just starting out…
>>> The ultra low tech way to sneak into the inner sanctum of A-list influencers who can light your career on fire…
>>> How to leverage the slightest little opportunity into an avalanche of revenue…
P.S. To download to your audio device, simply click the down arrow to the right of the audio player.
P.P.S. Naturally, there is a giveaway at the end of the podcast. Unfortunately, it has been discontinued, but you can grab the consolation prize right here.
SUPER Awesome Can’t WAIT