Ray Carl could sell just about anything to anyone…
As a greenhorn salesman in the territory, my
first assignment was to accompany him on two or three sales calls a day
— and
observe. Then we’d spend an hour or so
role-playing back at the office.
I learned how to ask questions. And tell stories.
He had a story for countering every objection…
fascinating stories about how a given product came about…
heartwarming stories that made people like him and trust him. And
when he told these stories to customers I watched the purchase
reluctance literally disappearing from their faces.
Jimmy Ray Carl influenced people so effortlessly
and easily that getting them to sign on the dotted line was like taking
candy from a baby.
At first I resisted modeling his approach
It was hard enough remembering product specs and
features and benefits and competitive advantages. Was it really
necessary complicating things further with people and places and
One day we were out for a few beers at a little
Italian bistro on Queen’s Quay (Lake Ontario), and I asked
him, “What’s with the stories? Why
don’t you just get to the point and tell the customer the
He looked at me with that mischievous Irish glint
of his, and said:
He went on, “When you
tell stories, people listen. Haven’t you noticed?”
I thought about the morning’s sales
calls, and he was right.
“It’s because
you’re making it easy for them to get the picture”
he continued. “They don’t have to think too hard
about what you’re saying. They just have to watch the little
mental movie running in their heads. You like it when customers listen
to you, don’t you?”
“Well yeah”, I said.
“What’s more”, he
added, “they understand you a whole lot better.
“See, whether you tell stories or not,
people are trying to visualize what you’re saying to them.
Why risk having your buyers conjuring up the wrong pictures? Show them
what you want them to see with your words.
“And here’s another thing.
You ever heard the expression, ‘seeing is
I’m sure my head had been bobbing up
and down the whole time. Jimmy took a moment to flirt with the waitress
and order another pitcher of beer before he continued …
“See, when you got this mental movie
thing going on, it’s like you can say things to people
without actually coming out and saying them.
“Have you noticed how when you make a
product claim, the customer is fighting you? You’ve noticed
that right?”
“Sure. He’s
thinking… of course you would say that. You’re
here to sell me this thing.”
“Yeah. But if you make him see himself
interacting with the claim in his imagination, there’s no
resistance. He thinks he figured the whole thing out by himself. And he
accepts it, because he owns that idea.
“And here’s the really
beautiful part Danny boy...
“See this solid gold Movado
watch… that amazing Jag in the parking lot… the
block of rental properties I own on the Danforth. Paid for with stories.
“You know what I’m
Jimmy Ray Carl could be a little cocky when he
wasn’t around customers, especially with a few pitchers of
Rickard’s Red in him. But he had a good heart. And boy could
he sell.
So I took his advice.
I learned the stories.
And they produced for me too.
But that was a long time ago.
What about today?
Do sales stories still work?
See these two watches?
The watch on the left sells for around $15,000 while the one
on the right sells for about $100. Does the ROLEX tell time 150 times
better than the TIMEX?
Of course not…
…So what compels people to pay such a ridiculous
It’s quite simple, really. The Rolex is
a prop in a storyline. The person puts on the watch and they become the
hero in a little drama that plays out in their head.
Seth Godin wrote a book about
this. It’s called All Marketers Are Liars Tell Stories...
He talks about $20 wine glasses that instantly
transform you into a wine connoisseur… $125 (made in China
for $3) sneakers that turn shy wallflowers into popular social
butterflies… full grown adults paying $80,000 for $35,000
Volkswagens with Porsche name plates slapped on them… and
plenty of other examples of patently irrational consumer behavior.
Gene Schwartz has a chapter in Breakthrough
Advertising devoted to what he called
“identification”, which is basically the same idea.
People don’t buy products for what they do, but rather the
identities they help them create.
When I left the world of shoe leather selling to
become a freelance copywriter and marketing consultant I became
captivated by these notions.
Direct response copywriting courses did not do this for me.
Sure, they sang the praises of storytelling… but fizzled
after telling the story of the “Two Young Men”
So I went on a quest to build such a system
I analyzed films, fables and short stories to see
how they hook people's attention and embed invisible themes that change
attitudes and beliefs.
I watched how trial room lawyers use stories to
win juries to their way of thinking.
I studied how politicians and religious leaders
use stories to indoctrinate the faithful and woo new
converts… how therapists use them to inspire
change in their patients… even how con-artists use them to
gain the trust of their marks.
I began testing different ideas and soon
discovered something interesting. Telling
stories online and in print was NOT the magic pill I thought it would
And I quickly realized that if you tell a story in the wrong place or
in the wrong way it can seriously reduce your conversion instead of
increase it.
Selling with stories online is actually downright dangerous if you
don’t know what you’re doing… like
driving drunk… or having unprotected sex with strangers. The mistakes are not obvious, even in hindsight.
I walked into the bank one day with a royalty check so
big even the bank manager refused to cash it. The story-based promotion
I’d created had more than doubled response to the
client’s previous long standing control.
And gradually, through ongoing experimentation, testing and tweaking, I
improved my model… and improved it again… until
my win rate increased to the point where story became the prime driver
for almost all my promotions.
I’d like to offer you the same glorious advantage —
a repeatable, step-by-step, story creation formula
that will have you developing deeper, more meaningful relationships
with your best customers… easily commanding premium prices
for your products and services… and grinding your cut-rate
competition to dust.
If you’re tired of the pain of failed campaigns and watching
your list become less and less responsive, you need to pay especially
close attention to this.
As the title suggests, this course is about telling
masterful sales stories that absorb your target audience’s
attention and then direct it toward a purchase.
You’ll discover amazing secrets for
keeping your ideal prospects engaged and interested in you and your
products and services over the long term.
And you’ll learn to tell order-inducing
stories that make people feel safe and secure and enthusiastic about
handing you their hard earned money in exchange for the value you bring
Quite simply, it’s the ultimate
marketing resource for selling to people without them feeling like they
are being sold, resulting in increased conversion… higher
margins… and dramatically enhanced lifetime customer value.
In module 1, you’re getting the complete lowdown
on 7 powerful story formats… how and why to use
them… and the insider secrets to leveraging them to capture
the attention and interest of your target audience…
- How to melt your prospect’s
irrational fears... freeing them to give your sales arguments a fair
- How to plant ideas in your
prospect’s minds so subtly they think they came up with the
ideas themselves…
- Secrets of guided imagery that give your
prospects time travelling powers and the ability to visit their future
lives — with you, the storyteller, as their guide…

- The
Vision Quest: How to help your prospects see realities
that were invisible to them before… and feel new sensations
that empower them to take actions that were previously
- How
to short-circuit skepticism and cynicism by harkening your prospects
back to their childhoods. A time when thought processes
were pure emotion and life was spontaneous and carefree…
- How to disarm the defensive stockade
people put up against persuasion by weaving the facts, features, and
benefits of your offerings into the innocent fabric of story
- Why
the unconscious mind literally can’t tell the difference
between a real and an imagined experience… and
how to use this amazing phenomenon to make your marketing infinitely
more productive…
- Zero
Resistance Selling: A simple trick that allows your sales
argument to effortlessly find a new home in the prospect’s
belief system. (See Page 6) …
- How to cloak complex or unfamiliar ideas
in easily understood stories, giving your prospects the confidence and
assurance to move ahead. (Page 9) …
- How
to craft a good origin story that cements your credibility as a seller
and bonds you to your target audience like crazy glue.
Connect with your customers on a deep and enduring level, virtually
immunizing your business against discount happy competition. (Page 10)
- How to use dramatic reversal to make your
sales pitch more entertaining and believable. (Page 18) …
- The
secret storytelling ingredient that shifts your prospect’s
mental gearing from “passive wishing”
to “active willing”. Gets them to plunk down their
hard earned money faster than just about anything. (Page 20)
- Four magical little “Trojan
Horse” phrases that instantly put your prospects at ease and
allow you to tip-toe past their exterior defenses. (Page 21)

- Sneaky little metaphors that prime your
prospects to accept your sales arguments without giving them a second
thought. (Page 22) …
- The deadly (yet common) storytelling
mistake that kills sales and actually reduces readership and repeat
business. (Page 23) …
- How
to sell prevention. This $297 preventative sells like
crazy with no sales letter. See how a simple story-driven email goes
straight to an order form to make the sale. (Page 24) …
- The
power of parables. How to use innocent little teaching
tales to unleash a torrent of new profits. (Page 28) …
- How to use stories to maintain the
perceived value of a discounted item, doubling or even tripling sales
conversion. (Page 31) …
- How to use morbid curiosity to practically
force people to open your emails and rabidly consume your sales
message. (Page 32) …
- How a Greek fable spawned a $1.5 billion
dollar ad campaign that ran for decades … (Page 32)
- How
to choose the right narrative point-of-view for a given sales story.
Plus a weird, science-fiction-like technique proven to boost response
when you need a great story to tell but can’t find one. (Page
36) …
- How
to revive the dead and put them to work earning you juicy affiliate
commissions. Historical figures make great characters for
your sales stories. You can put words in their mouths. Make them do
cool things. Embed purchasing criteria in their actions. (Page 37)
- The
three key ingredients you must put in every sales story if you want
people to click a link… fill out a form… or
complete a purchase. Miss any one of these key
ingredients and your story will bomb, guaranteed. (Page 39)

- How to hitchhike on a news story or an
entertainment item from the popular media to magnify the distribution
and potency of your sales message. (Page 40)…
- An unusual way to use pre-supposition in
your sales stories that almost always increases email click through
rates. (Page 41) …
- Three
things to put in your sales stories that most people find near
impossible to look away from. HINT: They tap in to the
reptilian part of our brains, were the survival and self-preservation
imperatives dwell. (Page 42) …
- A
simple story trick that lessens your prospect’s burden of
decision. Do this and you’ll make infinitively
more sales. I guarantee it. (Page 44) …
- Story
Transposition: How to template mesmerizing stories that
are proven through time to capture people’s attention and
influence their behavior. The ultimate shortcut to creating
sales-inducing stories. (Page 48) …
- How
to create a killer case study. Most case studies could
bore the arm off a chair and don’t do much to increase sales.
Here are 12 interview questions for extracting amazing success
stories… and the secret narrative structure that virtually
guarantees explosive, profit-pulling case studies. (Page 49)
In module 2, you’re getting the complete
blow-by-blow on all of the essential elements that go into creating
astonishingly effective origin stories that allow you to sell
effortlessly and at consistently higher margin than your competitors
- The
12 stages of the hero’s journey — and why this
almost magical story structure intuitively resonates with all human
beings. A proven way to trigger the curiosity, empathy and
emotion you need to rivet your prospect's attention… amplify
desire… and install powerful buying motives while virtually
eliminating purchase resistance. (Page 53) ...
- The
difference between story structure and content and how
“archetypes” can be your unfailing beacon to higher
response. (Page 55) ...
- How the hero’s journey can also
form the fabric of a seductive mythology you build around yourself,
your product, and your business over the course of months or even
years. (Page 59) …
- Stealth
Positioning — How to convey credibility through
accomplishment without a hint of braggadocio or boastfulness.
Infinitely more effective than the worn out “I’m
not telling you this to impress you, but rather to impress upon
you” schtick most markets have heard way too many times.
(Page 61) …
- How to inject drama, intrigue and
entertainment value into otherwise boring product descriptions and
explanations. Deadly effective in b2b markets. (Page 64) …

- How embedding a logical rationale for
purchasing your product inside of a story can spike your sales
conversion overnight by 187%. (Page 65) …
- The
Russian Doll Secret: How to use nested narrative to
subtly implant buying conclusions in your prospect’s minds
that have them reflexively clicking the order button to complete a
purchase. (Page 69) …
- How to anchor your prospect’s
affection to inanimate objects you want to sell them. (Page 71)
- Six proven ways to create empathy and
connection, practically forcing your prospects to mentally project
themselves into your sales story. (Page 72) …
- How to reveal character flaws and
vulnerabilities and turn them into character assets that build trust
and affinity with your target market. (Page 74) …
- The
secret to stimulating your prospect’s sympathetic nervous
system in a way that creates incredibly deep rapport and attraction. Almost
instantly dissolves sales resistance and purchase hesitation. (Page 75)
- A
counter-intuitive “back door” way to create
character fascination. This unusual technique when
properly executed leads to an almost blinding rapport with your target
prospects. (Page 76) …
- The secret “primal”
ingredient to put in your sales stories that sows the seeds of emotion
and stirs even your most careful and deliberate prospects to action.
(Page 76) …
- Collective
Heroism — When your prospects associate your marketing with a
sense of being part of something larger than themselves, sales shoot
for the moon. Here’s how to create an addictive
feeling of camaraderie and belonging within your target market. (Page
77) …
- How to neutralize the internal demons that
stand between your prospects willingness to pursue their biggest
dreams… and between you and a reliable stream of repeat
sales. (Page 79) …
- The
Stimulus and Response Principle: the secret to
transforming stories that feel like lifeless, unsatisfying processions
of events into electrifying cavalcades of excitement that enchant your
prospects from beginning to end. (Page 80) …
- A counterintuitive story strategy that
lets you quickly assume the mantle of authority, compelling your
prospects to accept you as a trusted advisor and subject matter expert.
(Page 90) …

- Four different types of mentor stories
that allow you to effortlessly establish ironclad credibility for
yourself as a seller. (Page 94) …
- How to strike at the heart of your
prospect’s most deep-seated, close-to-the-bone emotions
without seeming manipulative, ham handed, or obvious. (Page 96)
- The number one determining factor that
spells the difference between sales stories that grab your prospects,
turn them upside down, and shake money from their pockets... and
stories that leave them cold as dead fish. (Page 97) …
- The four step mental process that leads to
action. Miss one step, (or get them in the wrong order), and your sales
story is dead in the water. (Page 98) …
- How to alter the chemical makeup of your
prospect’s physiology… stepping up or stepping
down the brain’s activity level… creating
sensation in the body… altering involuntary movements,
gestures, and facial expression… and ultimately, impacting
the will to act. (Page 99) …
- The difference between innate primal
emotions and learned social emotions. Which class of emotion sways
people more powerfully? Find out on page 100.
- A complete model of the human
emotions… their biological function…
how and when to use them in your sales stories. 67 different emotions explained
and their application to persuasive storytelling demonstrated. (Page
102) …
- How
to use curiosity, anticipation, surprise, suspense and intrigue to
transfix your prospect’s attention. Amazingly
powerful storytelling techniques that literally crowd out awareness of
time and space, locking potential buyers to your sales message like an
invisible tractor beam. (Page 110) …
- Why “hard loops”
don’t work in direct response selling and what to do instead
to create stunning
increases in readership and
response. (Page 114) …
- How
to use soft loops to deepen attention and interest. When
you do this right it practically guarantees your sales message gets
read. (Page 116) …
- The
pleasure/pain quadrant: a simple strategy for harmonizing
the motivations of your story hero with those of your target prospects.
(Page 119) …
- Four
different types of humor to use in your stories. These
techniques loosen purchase resistance and lubricate the buying process
without detracting from the seriousness of your sales message in any
way. (Page 121) …
- How
to craft compelling characters your prospects want to identify with. People
buy when they sense doing so enhances their self-image in some way.
Showing a similar development in a character they care about is the
deadly effective way to create this effect. (Page 126) …
- How
to differentiate your products and services through the
characterization of your protagonist. This is the ultimate
secret to selling at premium prices and with superior profit margins
— ten times more profitable than mere functional advantage.
(Page 127) …
- The 16 irreducible values that motivate
your prospect’s actions… and how to subtly
communicate them through story to unleash a tsunami of increased
conversion and response. (Page 131) …
- The 12 classic character
archetypes… how to recognize the dominant archetype(s) in
your particular market… and the keys to motivating each
type. (Page 135) …
- Five
different ways to reveal character and activate even the most
unconscious fears, aspirations, beliefs and values of your target
prospects. This is the lethal combination strike that
jerks even the most shell-shocked and reluctant would-be buyers out of
their complacency and into your pitch. (Page 191) …
- Ten
archetypal themes to use in your sales stories that are proven to
attract attention, arouse interest, and stir your prospect’s
blood toward a purchase. Use these proven story templates
and your hit rates will soar! (Page 196) …
And in module 3 I’m tying it all together for you
with a powerful series of fill-in-the-blanks worksheets and
do-this-do-that templates that will have you penning highly persuasive
order-getting sales stories more easily than you ever imagined.
You’ll watch as I explain each one of
these time saving tools that have allowed me to slash my writing time
by 80% to 90%. 
- The protagonist worksheet. (Page 227)
- The pleasure/pain worksheet. (Page 229)
- The irreducible values worksheet. (Page
232) …
- The character arc worksheet. (Page 233)
- The antagonist worksheet. (Page 233)
- The mentor worksheet. (Page 234)
- The sub-text worksheet. (Page 239) ...
- The hero’s journey template.
(Page 242) …
You’ll see
the actual inputs I made to create a recent promotion. And
you’ll experience the magic as these completed sheets and
templates morph into the kind of hard-hitting sales copy that makes
The entire story creation process is
laid bare… so you can quickly model it… and
breathe new life into your own promotions …
- Six different ways to create powerful
story telegraphing headlines, plus tons of examples. (Page
- How to deepen the fictive spell by
breaking the 4th wall. (Page 246) …
- Sneaky tricks that bend the perception of
time, transplanting your prospects into a future reality where they can
experience the pleasure of ownership. (Page 248)…
- Five amazing creativity exercises. (Page
For over 9 months I’ve
poured every spare moment into fully documenting my proven story
selling processes. And these three modules are the result. 262 tightly edited pages of
text… eight and half hours of audio… and 59
annotated exhibits in all!
I’m convinced they give you the most
comprehensive, complete and concise story-selling encyclopedia known to
man… a veritable Bible of story-based persuasion.
And I honestly believe they’ll help you
to create the kind of heroic customer identifications experience proves
are the secret to enhanced sales conversion…
impervious-to-competition profit margins… and the enduring
goodwill and patronage of your best buyers.
Gone are the days when you can win the battle for consumer
mindshare on price, quality or convenience. Competitiveness
in these areas is now merely the cost of entry — no longer a
key factor in your success. 
In today’s world of material
overabundance, what people secretly want are products and services that
allow them to tell better stories… to themselves…
and to the people around them.
I saw this trend emerging in my days with Jimmy Ray Carl in
corporate sales. Decisions were made for personal and
emotional reasons first, and practical reasons second. People wanted to
tell a story —
to their superiors, to their peers, to their spouses and children
— that framed them in a heroic light.
I saw it in sales made over the Internet as well. The
functional features and advantages of a product didn’t sell
nearly as well as the drama those features and functions could be made
to represent. And
this trend will only accelerate …
If you want to avoid getting sucked into the
suicidal price chopping games we’re seeing spread like bad
weeds all over the Internet right now, isn’t it time you got
serious about building your story selling chops?
Think back to your own buying experience.
Visualize several pivotal purchases you made at some earlier point in
your life. If it wasn’t the story you read in the sales copy
that hooked you and got you to buy… or a story suggested by
the sights and sounds and smells of the sales floor… it was
a story you told yourself.
Why leave the story to chance?
How will your life change for the better when
you’re able to easily and effortlessly create stunning
conversion numbers for all of your products and services…
reducing your cost of customer acquisition… and exploding
your lifetime customer value? (Or if you’re a freelance
copywriter or marketing consultant, imagine the rewards your clients
will shower you with when you create that magic for them.)
Those outcomes have given me and my family the
freedom to come and go on a whim… never worrying about rush
hour traffic… bone headed bosses… or meaningless,
mind-numbing work.
They’ve given us the peace of mind that
comes from knowing our income is safe and secure no matter what happens
to the economy. And for me personally — the deep
sense of satisfaction I enjoy from being able to share this life
changing knowledge with you.
If you follow my lead and get really good at
selling with stories with this new course, I know your life can be much
more than it is today.
And When You Order Today,
, I’ll Be Sure and Include
These 4 Valuable Bonuses Designed to
Help You Even More — ABSOLUTELY FREE!
BONUS #1 — Joe Sugarman shares some of his
deepest and most profound insights on story selling …gleaned
from his brilliant 50 year + career in advertising.
Without even realizing it, Joe used stories in
nearly every one of the ads he used to sell hundreds of different
electronic gadgets with his JS&A mail order business.
And also to sell over 20 million pairs of
expensive sunglasses… building BluBlockers into one of the
top 3 sunglasses brands in the world.
Here are just a few of the many story-selling
gems Joe revealed during this intimate interview:
- The true function of stories in
advertising and why they work so incredibly well to draw attention to
your products and services …
- How to use stories to isolate potential
objections and neutralize them before they can rob you of the sales you
deserve …
- How a good story used in your sales copy
can get you on national television and generate tons of additional
exposure for your company without costing a thin dime!
- The popcorn trail secret to
curiosity-inducing sales copy that cannot be ignored…
- How to use shock, surprise and
anticipation combined with primal themes that appeal to the reptilian
brain to hook readers and drag them into your sales stories …
- When not to use storytelling in your
Joe delivered over 80-minutes of
priceless story selling wisdom. (Both audio and full-text transcript
BONUS #2 — Recently, Troy White interviewed me
for members of his elite story selling coaching program.
And I have to warn you about this guy. The man is
a veritable pit-bull when it comes to digging for a story.
He backed me into one corner after another,
literally forcing me to spill my guts at a level of depth and detail I
had no intention of disclosing.
Here are just a few of the insanely profitable
insights he pulled out of me during this intense, 63-minute, no-holds
barred interview interrogation:
- The
single most important (often overlooked) sales copy ingredient that
almost always unlocks a flood of increased response. Are
you missing this, and struggling needlessly as a result?
- The secret to making people feel
empowered, confident and motivated, so they can take action and buy
your product or service now rather than later (which usually means
- Why
some products languish in the discount dustbin while others fly off the
shelves at crazy high prices. Hint: It often has nothing
to do with the product itself.
- How to speak directly to the unconscious
mind of the consumer, the part of them that says "YES", I want it this,
and I want it NOW!
- Why emotional impact trumps statistics
every time when it comes to proving a claim...
- Two almost magical phrases that instantly
make people suggestible and more open to your ideas...
- How
to create the illusion of ownership. This unusual
technique makes not buying seem like a terrible loss...
- How to make the purchase of your product a
positive development in the buyer's self-image -- the golden key to
explosive sales... and profit margins to die for...
Honestly, the stuff Troy pulled
out of me on this call was so powerful I built a whole series of
hard-hitting webinars around it. But this is the only place
you’ll find full text transcripts or mp3 audio recordings of
me talking about this mind-blowing material.
BONUS #3 — Sit in on a revealing interview I
did specially for this release of Effortless Influence with all-star
story seller, Vin Montello.
Vin and his Montello mob of copy gangstas are
tearing it up on clickbank with story-based selling that makes his
clients bank accounts light up like Vegas slot machines.
Be a fly on the wall as we take scissor and
scalpel to one of his more controversial promotions.
Here’s just a small sampling of what
you’ll discover:
- Why great sales copy is a lot like a TV
sitcom …
- Why 90% of the selling job is getting the
reader to the bottom of the page and how story telling is the most
powerful tool in your kit bag for getting them there …
- “Theatre of the mind”
secrets for getting your prospects to visualize the life-changing
benefits of owning your product …
- How to dig for the story hook …
- The
awesome attention getting power of the benefit-less headline. And
how to use provocative, rabble-rousing statements without shooting
yourself in the foot…
- How to tell stories that take up
substantial space on the page without losing focus on the needs and
desires of your prospect...
- Why it’s better to appeal
strongly to the core of your market than it is to avoid offending and
alienating the fringe …
If you love outrageous
take-no-prisoners story selling and aren’t afraid of ruffling
a few feathers with your marketing you’re going to love this
— Are you familiar with the book, THINK AND GROW
RICH? One of the most remarkable passages in this book talks about what
Napoleon Hill (the book’s author) refers to as his
“Council of Elders.”
Hill had a very unusual, and unusually effective
way of sparking his creative intelligence and solving problems.
It went like this …
Each evening in the quiet of his study, Hill
would close his eyes and enter a council chamber in the theatre of his
Next, he would take his seat as chairman at the
council table, and welcome nine elder advisors (Ralph Waldo Emerson,
Luther Burbank, Thomas Paine, Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew
Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison) who gradually entered the
chamber to take their seats.
Hill would then lay the challenges of the day
before them, and seek their advice. Hill’s study of the
records of these great men’s lives was so intensive that the
characters actually came to life, engaging in vigorous dialogue over
the topics he put before them.
As a story seller, I’ve been known to
conduct a séance or two myself. Call me crazy, but I
actually had a few of these sessions recorded. And I’m
including two of them in this course.
You’re getting a full text transcript of my
infamous interview with John Caples, where the Godfather of sales
storytelling reveals:
- The most important thing to test on any
landing page (no, it’s not the headline)
- What to do when your target market is fed
up with wild hype and inflated claims …
- The secret to writing a great opening
paragraph… death of the long copy/short copy
debate… how to use graphics for increased response…
plus much more!
And I’m also including a
re-enactment (mp3 audio and transcript) with Claude C. Hopkins, where
the grand old
man of direct response lays the cold hard truth of business success on
the line.
- Tales of a mad adman and the three
infallible, never-fail secrets to higher
response …
- JV schemes that can make you
rich… and the true story of how one such
“arrangement” took a company with a balance sheet
that boasted $45,000 less than nothing to $1.8 million in profits the
very first year …
- The four fundamental (long lost and almost
forgotten) laws of profitable advertising that have never changed and
never will … and more!
He's gruff, grumpy, and grouchy.
The man rants and rails against just about everything the online
marketing gurus are telling us. And the stories he has to share with
you are pure gold! Honestly, just this one interview alone —
taken to heart — is worth more than the price of admission.
And what is that price?
You mean if you get yourself a copy of Effortless Influence — How to Master the Art of The Sales Story... or if you
How do I know?
Because that’s the amount
you’re out of pocket when you subtract the course price from
the $30,000 I’m guaranteeing you’ll earn in
incremental new sales as a result of implementing what I’m
offering to teach you.
The way I see it, if I can’t give you at least a
30-to-1 return on your investment I don’t want your money. Which
means really, my course is better than free. It doesn’t cost
you money. It makes
you money. At least $30,000 over the next year, OR
Consider the $997 you invest in this
life-changing material the seed capital on the minimum $30,000
it’s guaranteed to bring you in the first year alone. Does
that sound like a wild promise? It shouldn’t.
What’s your average transaction size
— $50, $100, $500, $5,000? Whatever it is, how many
additional sales will it take to earn an additional $30,000 over the
next year?
Visualize those new sales now and know how doable
they really are when you have this knowledge at your
disposal. Chump change, really, compared to what’s
possible. Especially when you consider the shelf life of this
knowledge. It just gets more and more valuable each year.

What will you do with the extra income?
…Pay down some debts?
…Take a nice vacation?
…Expand your business reach
and gear up to help even more people with the problems you help them
course, I only make these bold promises to those with a solid work
ethic and the self-confidence to actually learn and follow through on
the powerful secrets I’ve packed into this groundbreaking new
If you lack those qualities,
please don’t buy it.
Basic - Downloadable pdf
& mp3 files, Just $897
Deluxe - Printed Manual
& Audio CDs, Just $997
Platinum - Both Physical
& Digital Delivery, Just $997
Click on one of the above buttons now and get started.
Let me share another quick story with you before I wrap up ...
As I was finishing off this letter I
got a phone call from someone who just went through some of the
material I’m writing you about. Her name is Dr. Kate
McDonough — a chiroprac tor, from somewhere in Massachusetts.
Never met her before.
Kate said, “I give free workshops to
groups of people in the local community in the hopes of getting them to
come to my clinic for a discovery session.”
I said, “Great strategy!
How’s that working for you?”
“Terrible!” she said.
“Until the other night when I revamped my presentation based
on your story selling teachings and got five people to sign up!
I’ve been doing these presentations for some time and the
most I’ve ever gotten before was one. I’m dancing
like nobody’s looking!
“Each one of these discovery sessions
is worth $100 to me. Plus 1-in-5 sessions results in a full-fledged
client worth upwards of $3,500! This is going to totally transform my
Now how long do you think it will take Kate to recoup a measly $1,000 investment?
What about you?
Are YOU ready to transform YOUR practice, career, business?
Basic - Downloadable pdf
& mp3 files, Just $897
Deluxe - Printed Manual
& Audio CDs, Just $997
Platinum - Both Physical
& Digital Delivery, Just $997
Click on one of the above buttons now and get started.
It’s like a catalyst that sets off a far-reaching chain reaction ...
Jimmy Ray Carl saved my failing sales career with the power of a few
good stories. I’ve built on that story to help hundreds, perhaps thousands of intrepid
entrepreneurs like Dr. Kate to increase their influence in the
marketplace. Dr. Kate is now telling stories that empower people to
take back their health and fulfill their potential.
Who knows who might be sitting there listening to one of Dr. Kate’s workshops and what they might do?
... Where will the chain of influence end?
Nobody knows... but this much, you and I both know: Stories are THE most powerful tool we've got for
inspiring others to take positive actions that make the world a better place. And helping to
make the world a better place allows us to claim the life we've always
wanted for ourselves.
I've got mine. Isn't it time you got yours?
Make your selection below and give Effortless Influence — How to Master the Art of The Sales Story a fair try.
Basic - Downloadable pdf
& mp3 files, Just $897
Deluxe - Printed Manual
& Audio CDs, Just $997
Platinum - Both Physical
& Digital Delivery, Just $997
You've got nothing to lose and a bare minimum of $29,000 to gain —
not to mention the personal pride, power and enjoyment that comes from
being able to sit down and write a story that produces income-on-demand.

P.S. If
the $897-$997 investment is worrying you, then you need to go back to
the top of this page and read it again. Because putting an end to your
financial embarrassment is the best reason of all for getting started.
Doesn’t it piss you off no-end not
being able to invest in the tools you know will make all of the
difference in your life? Why don’t you channel that anger
toward doing something about it?
Auction off some junk on eBay… borrow
the money from a friend or family member if you have to… live by
candlelight for a month — whatever it takes!
I don’t mean to be blunt, but that’s really what it
comes down to. You’re either dithering around in the kiddie pool
of marketing for the rest of your life. Or you’re strapping on a
pair of balls and getting serious about this — your call.
More sales… higher profits…
less stress — if not now, when?
Basic - Downloadable pdf
& mp3 files, Just $897
Deluxe - Printed Manual
& Audio CDs, Just $997
Platinum - Both Physical
& Digital Delivery, Just $997
Click on one of the above buttons now and get started
International Marketing, Inc.
92 Caplan Ave., Barrie ON CANADA L4N 9J2
Phone (705) 719 7954 Fax (866) 688 8413