Some days, sales and marketing is like a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle — all sky. Other days it’s easy as pie.
Here’s a strange fact for you that may explain why …
On average, psychologists estimate the average person “speaks” somewhere in the neighborhood of 5,000 words a day — although it is believed that some 80% of this “speaking” is self-talk (talking to yourself).
These autosuggestions you give to yourself constantly throughout the day without even realizing it, are incredibly powerful … particularly those that found their way into your subconscious mind accompanied by a strong emotion.
Astonishingly, they have a profound effect on your ability, your ambition, your actions, and ultimately your success.
What you read can also become an even subtler form of autosuggestion. Listen carefully as you read these very words, and you will hear yourself “speaking” them in your head.
You hear them, don’t you?
Your mood and state of mind are altered by thoughts. Your thoughts are influenced by suggestion.
Read the following two paragraphs, and tell me your mood and state of mind is not altered slightly by the suggestions put forward by just these few words …
- A wild rush of exhilaration is pouring over you from head to toe. You can sense a tidal wave of energy and excitement coursing through your veins. From this moment on, you’re unstoppable, able to instantly and easily vanquish any obstacle in your path. The feeling of power is entirely invigorating to you, almost intoxicating!
- You’re tired, confused, disappointed. You have every right to be. Nothing ever goes your way. If only you could compete on a level playing field with everyone else it would be different, but you can’t. It’s not fair. Life sucks!
Did you feel a subtle difference coming over you in just 50 words? Your creativity and intelligence went up, and then down. Now, imagine a whole day of self-talk and consider the consequences.
Suppose you are working on your sales funnel or doing an enrollment call. Which one of the two states, A or B, do you think will empower you to a faster and more profitable result?
If you said “A,” go to the head of the class.
The sad truth that may be holding you back …
Most people’s thinking gravitates toward “B,” and they don’t even know it.
They’re completely unaware of the habitual patterns of self-talk that are robbing them of their potential. Many are outright sabotaging themselves at every turn.
Your subconscious is like a computer. Its main function is the integration of your ideas. Your conscious mind is the programmer.
Shirk your responsibilities as a programmer, and your subconscious is programmed by chance. You hand your destiny over to the power of ideas you do not know you have accepted.
One way or another, your computer gives you a “printout,” every hour of every day. And that “printout,” is your state of mind: Your feelings and emotions.
If you allow your subconscious mind to be programmed by chance, there can be only one result: Garbage in, garbage out.
Worse, you are living your life based on computer “printouts” you cannot read.
You do not know whether the programming is true or false… whether it leads to success or destruction, or whether it serves your own purposes or some unknown external force.
The inevitable result is surrender to self-doubt and fear, which undermines your enthusiasm … destroys the faculty of your imagination … discourages your initiative … and encourages procrastination.
So subtle is this process that you may go through your entire life burdened by it, never recognizing its presence.
Last year I gave a presentation at a local event. Afterwards a lady came up to me and said that my talk had been one of the most inspirational and informative she’d ever seen. I thanked the woman, and then she went on to tell me that she could never get up in front of a crowd of people and give a presentation like that because she was from Northern Ontario.
No doubt, many years ago, somewhere in Northern Ontario, this woman as a child had somehow picked up the idea that people from the backwoods of Northern Ontario were somehow disadvantaged. And it’s clear she’s been repeating this silly lie to herself ever since.
It is a well-known fact that you will come to BELIEVE whatever you repeat to yourself, whether the statement is true or false. If you repeat a lie over and over, eventually you will accept it as truth. You are what you are because of your DOMINATING THOUGHTS.
It’s been said that the only thing any of us have control over in life is our own thoughts…
… Yet how few of us guard our thoughts against negative suggestions?
How many of us strangle our creative intelligence and inherent brilliance in this way?
And how many of us deliberately feed our minds with positive thoughts?
I submit to you, that those who succeed in building a thriving, time and location independent business, do so in direct proportion to their ability to actively cultivate success consciousness.
Conversely, those who fail, do so simply because they passively allow failure consciousness to take root in their minds.
The astonishing epiphany that will set you free …
How would you like to harness the awesome mental magic that lies latent within your own mind?
Who would you become if you could suddenly unleash Herculean confidence in your own abilities?
What riches await you if you could unlock your creative imagination to attract unbridled success?
Our free strategy session has unlocked this power for hundreds of coaches, consultants, advisors, agencies, service pros and solution providers over the last several years.
The secret to achieving this power will be mentioned no fewer than a dozen times throughout the call, but never named.
It will be in plain sight. Yet ONLY THOSE WHO ARE READY and SEARCHING FOR IT will hear it.
If you are READY to put the epiphany to use, you will experience a moment of profound realization, and you will be transformed.
I wish I could tell you here how you will know if you are ready. But that would deprive you of much of the value you will receive when you make the discovery in your own way.
A peculiar thing about this epiphany is that those who have it and use it find themselves literally swept on to success, and they never again submit to failure!
If you doubt this, study the dozens of testimonials at the bottom of this page. Check their stories for yourself, and you will be convinced.
The epiphany serves all who are ready for it equally well. Education has nothing to do with it. Money has nothing to do with it. Connections have nothing to do with it.
ALL in possession of this realization need only reach out and avail themselves of all the money, fame, recognition, and happiness they desire.
When money comes in quantities known as “the big money”, it flows to you as easily as water flows downhill. There exists a great, unseen stream of POWER that will sweep you effortlessly upward and onward to wealth.
And when we get together for your session, this epiphany will jump through the Zoom call and stand boldly before you, IF YOU ARE READY FOR IT. When it appears, you will be struck by it — ELECTRIFIED!
Whether you receive the sign in the first 10 minutes, in the middle, or at the end of your session… stop for a moment and raise a toast, for that occasion will mark the most important turning point in your life!
So apply for your epiphany session right now, because life is like a chessboard and your opponent is time. It waits for no man, and damn few women. Hesitate, and your forces will be wiped from the board as sure as the sunrise.
Thank you, Levis and all the members of the team. You have been pAtient in putting up with me. I think I have learned much but their is too much that I can not put together on the computer that you take for granit . I am wasting time–yours and mine . It is time to end this and go where my pAshion is. I am not interested in sales and I have no desire to have tooooo much money. I had a fun time with all of you! In fact I will miss you! I love ya! God bless—–bye