Here’s the thing about TRAFFIC.
Let’s say you’re using Facebook ads, SEO, content marketing, YouTube, joint ventures… or any of the dozens of available sources to bring home the bacon.
It’s frustrating, because after dozens of attempts, when you’ve finally got it working well enough that you’re no longer hemorrhaging money…
… Suddenly the algorithm changes, or the ads fatigue, or out of nowhere the price-per-click triples.
Then you’re scrambling again, going to the watering hole in the hope of wringing out a few more drops.
Yep, to mix metaphors, it’s back to the drawing board… again!
What’s the alternative?
3 things that can easily get lost in the drama and desperation.
#1: Laser Targeting
This is almost worse than no traffic at all.
Because you get your hopes up for a fresh, spanking-new batch of leads… finally!
And what happens?
They click through to your landing page and slam on the brakes.
You can almost see them sitting there analyzing your verbiage, scratching their heads, and saying:
“They’re not talking my language. I don’t think they actually know what I need.”
And they’re gone like a puff of smoke in a hurricane.
The problem is BAD TARGETING.
In other words, your aim is off… like you’re shooting at the target with a blindfold on.
Like the lady we coached earlier this week, trying to sell water ionizers on Instagram. “I’m targeting the 18-29 year old crowd”, she says,” but they’re not converting.”
“And how much are these units”, I asked?
“$2,000-$5,000”, she says.
Do not pass go, do not collect $100, they DON’T HAVE THE MONEY!
You may be close to connecting with your audience, but if you’re off even a little and they feel it, forget about making the sale.
You may be hitting the edge of the target and getting a trickle of sales… just enough to keep you running on the hamster wheel…
… But not the bullseye where the real money is waiting.
So what do you do?
Refine your parameters.
It’s something we require with all our coaching members.
Do the “avatar” exercise AGAIN!
This is where you write down all the details that describe your perfect client.
And I’m talking about EVERY little thought they think, what TV shows they watch, their favorite music, the magazines they read, how much they make, how many kids, a description of the house they live in, the kind of car they drive… the works!!
Unfortunately, this is an exercise most entrepreneurs skim through.
They think, “I already know who my audience is.”
But this is FOUNDATIONAL and without it, your profits will suffer and you won’t know why.
So spend some serious time getting this right (we’ll help you at our FREE STRATEGY SESSION if you apply below).
It’ll pay off 100 fold for the time you invest.
#2: Magic Message
EVERYTHING is inextricably linked to the words and the sequence of words encountered in your marketing funnel.
So when you hand off from the landing page to a series of emails or a sales page, there has to be air-tight continuity.
If not, you may think your traffic is “bad.”
But, you may actually have the perfect traffic, it’s just that you’re not following up with the right MESSAGE.
As an example, let’s say you’re selling to business owners.
Your emphasis may be on copywriting, when they actually don’t want to become copywriters, they just want to know enough to spot good copy so they can hire it done.
If that’s the case, and your focus is on teaching all sorts of cool technical tricks, they’ll vanish in the night and you’ll pull your hair out wondering why.
Your problem is not knowing exactly what they want, or not proving to them you have what they want, or not doing it in a unique and compelling way that’s different to what they’ve seen and tried in the past.
That’s why #1 (above) is so important.
You MUST know EXACTLY what they want and express it in THEIR language.
A ridiculous example that proves the point is selling martial arts training.
Who’s your audience?
A bunch of badass fighters who don’t take shit from anyone.
So the last thing you want to do is use soft and fluffy language… or they may come after YOU!
#3: Quid Pro Quo
What’s the quid quo pro, and is it an absolute no-brainer?
People click your ad and come to your landing page because you make them a promise. You give me this and I’ll give you that.
You can put your ad in front of the right people…
You can have the right message that hits all of their hot buttons…
But if the thing you’re offering (your lead generation magnet) doesn’t promise a clear, credible and unique step toward obtaining the apple of their eye, they’re not going to convert …
So what’s the thing?
What’s it called?
What does it do?
How does it do it?
What does it look like on the landing page?
And are you blowing it by missing the mark on this crucial piece?
These are the three key secrets for getting traffic.
And we help you with all of them at our free strategy session.
If you’re not rolling in traffic, you’re misfiring in one of these areas.
And without traffic, it doesn’t matter what you do or how well you do it, nobody knows about it.
It’s like trying to run a Lamborghini on kerosene, you’re going nowhere fast.
Don’t believe me?
Apply for a free strategy session and we’ll prove it to you by pinpointing the fly in your traffic ointment and exactly what to do about it.
Once again, this is a special situation… you’ll need to come to the call with data about your targeting and we want to see your best landing pages to assess your messaging and offer.
You’ll walk away from the call with supreme clarity on what to do to wake up from your traffic nightmare — I GUARANTEE it!
So what are you waiting for?
It’s free!
Robert Caveny says
Daniel, How much money to get my business ging?
Robert Caveny says
Daniel, This is Robert Caveny. I tried to apply for traffic help,but couldnt get past the date and time page. I dont have a biz and havent even built a website,yet. I want to at least have things go as well,as I can. My number is 803-554-5160. Thanks .